Thursday, August 7, 2008

Why do designers not wear the clothes they design??

The designer represents the label, yet there are not many that are always seen in their own designs. do they need to if they create a desirable lifstyle through their through their catwalk shows and other advertising means? Is this because designers work so hard generating ideas/ concepts and how others dress..
Is Karl Largerfled just lazy wearing practically the same style of suit everyday, or has he found a way to promote a profesional image for himself; representing a label whilst not having to worry what he will wear each day after a staying up or night working on his latest collection??
Vivienne Westwood hmmm, she does not promote a typically desirable image, or is it good representation of what her label is about, raising controversy, causing intrege?
Are designers to busy to think about what they wear or do they think too much and is it all just a marketing ploy.....

1 comment:

steve said...

Do designers need to keep their own image seperate from the image of the laebel to give themelves a personal identity?