Thursday, August 21, 2008

Emo kid rant...

I no a guy, super emo kid, Who thinks he's a victim, yet, he considers being a drummer in a band "a carreer choice"! Now this makes me very angry, i think if he was truly a victim, he would be selling himself on the street trying to get enough money to keep from starrving!
I think modern day kids (not just the emos) have NO idea how good they have it. I no im not that old, and things have been worse for other generations, but i remeber when u had to hand write and rewrite and rewrite assignments with information from books and it took ages and ages to find a book with anything good in it. (ps, very weak example( but times were tough) now days u can find totally relevant and upto date info in a second using the net, and get pages and pages in hard copy in seconds with ur new laser jet printer.
Back in the day, my grandmother moved out of home (after she left school in about yr 5) at 16 to be a nanny for the ppll down the road because her parents couldnt afford to keep her in thier house and it was super exciting to get a single orange for christmas (as opposed to yet ANOHER xbox).
I dont think kids today realise how wonderful their life is....

P.S My grandma could still touch her toes from standing position at age 83...from all that potato picking experiance when she was a child. And some ppl think they have it tough...!

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