Thursday, August 28, 2008

Knowing your rights!

I have been working at the same place for 7months only to find out yesterday that the whole time I have been there I have been paid under the award wage! now I am aware can take action to get back paid.
But if I am so easilly cheated of my rightful pay what chance does a imagrant with basic or no english have? Not only cheated by their rate of pay but their living and working conditions extreamly poor. The treatment of 'outworkers' and factory workers overseas are horrific, SO what am I going to do as a designer... i guess start small, make sure i make educated choices on the way I source and produce garments. Look into organisations like Oxfam and what they are doing, that can help me become more eco and ethically friendly. other than that i dont know how to make a huge change and still make a profit.

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