Thursday, August 7, 2008

As a designer I believe we have the ultimate power in the way we advertise and produce the clothing we design. We have the option to choose our models, ranging from size 0 to 20+. Do we choose the thin models in which make the clothing appealing? Or do we use + sized models which make the clothing more realistic? We have the option to choose where our clothes are manufactured, be it in Australia or Asian countries. Producing our clothing in Australia reduces our profit, yet the workers are treated fairly. If the clothes are produced in Asian countries, profit is increased, yet the workers are treated worse then those exisiting in Australia. Regardless, no matter what we do there will always be a level of negative/positive criticisim brought upon us by our actions. It comes down to our own ethics and morals which will determine the way in which we design and produce our clothing be it sellfish or genrous.


Gossip girl


Penny said...

i totaly agree with jake its really about our own belifes on body image.

steve said...

Gossip Girl,
how soon is too soon to start making those decisions? Is it possible as a student to develope theories that will enable you to work in a "ethical" way?