Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 2 Ethics


What are some of the main ethical concerns facing fashion designers today?

Is it ethical to design clothes for consumption?

Does the impact the fashion industry has on the environment alter what and how you design?

Can design change peoples minds? And the way we see waste? Cradle to cradle rather than cradle to grave

When does fashion design stop being just clothes and start becoming a communicative social tool?

Is it ethical to produce fashion overseas? Pay and conditions and credit

Is it ethical to produce fashion in unsafe working conditions in Australia? Pay and conditions

Pesticides and crops, are they harmful to people?

Animals often suffer for fashion is this ethical?

Is it ethical to portray unattainable body shapes in fashion? (Anorexia and Bulimia)

When is young too young for a model?

Do we over sexualise children in fashion? Look at tweens (9-13)

Child labour friend or foe? Small hands work fast

Is it ethical to use someone else’s intellectual property for your own profit?

Can designers use the “fair go” principles or is it not profitable?

Double dressing or twinning, do we want to dress alike as a primal need to belong? (follow on from last week)

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