Thursday, August 14, 2008

'canberrans the most wasteful"

A report from ABC news on the 7/8/08 claims that canberrans are the most wasteful in the entire nation. Discussion turned to what we can do as individuals to reduce the impact our lifestyle choices have on the environment. Can obvious things such as growing our own personal produce (fruit and veges) make a positive change on the environment, a noticeable change?
Plastic bags are another issue contributing negatively to the environment. Is it a positive thing that at certain outlets customers are asked to pay for plastic bags or alternatively bring their own eco-bags from home to carry their puirchases. As pointed out by Megan in class, she has accumaleted numerous eco-bags which she now has no use for, so are we doubling the problem by still producing plastic bags and also introducing and trying to encourage the use of these eco bags??? do we not need to reduce the production of plastic bags and gives consumers no option so they are forced to use eco friendly bags and hence help the environment?
Jeff pointed out that such companies that produce these plastic bags will not cease production since they are making money, so doesnt it need to a unanimous decisions between these corporations to abolish plastic bags completely and only offer eco-bags to consumers, hence eliminating the plastic bag and making room for a more eco friendly society in the future?
is this even a possibility??

1 comment:

steve said...

so, is there a better solution? we can't get into the habbit of using the ecobags what can we do that makes us of our forgetfullness and doesn't cost the earth....recyled paper bags?