Thursday, August 14, 2008

waste of canberra

in our discussion today about wastefulness we discussed how bad canberra is in its level of waste. Because we have a pretty shotty transport system people are more likely to drive rather than catch a bus to get from a to b. i know i massively contribute to this when i am spending up to $100 a week on petrol to get around. This is not just me burning money but also me adding to the deterioration of the ozone layer. ontop of this our lives are now about convenience. take away stores are popping up every where, fast fashion is mainly the only fashion we have access to in canberra. no wonder we are so wasteful... but it takes the people to break the cycle... and humans are creatures of habit. once we have decided to accept and run with the wastefulness its very difficult to break...

1 comment:

steve said...

so, you have identified you are part of the problem. How are you going to solve the problem