Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ethics and Society

I think alot of ethical issues are heavily influenced by the values and norms of the society we live, to use a sweat shop? hireing size 12 models? only realeasing limited collections to cut down on waste?

Because modern society vaules money, status and looks, I think its difficult for one individual or designer to break away.
For example, If i use size 12 models on my cat walk to represent the lifestyle im selling, i will sell less that the size 6 model designers. Although! I am being ethically sensitive, all the other designers are doing better because i am going out side what society sees as desirable, therefore presenting a weaker 'advertisment' of my label.
So unless there is a legislation that says no super thin models, ppl with weaker ethics will still have a foot up in the market unless new societal ethics are formed, unlikely...

ps im not saying being individual isnt possible, but in a compeditive, money-making, image orientated feild, its difficult to achive whilst still making money...

1 comment:

steve said...

consumers will generate change if they see the size 12 and like it they will push for change. On the other hand people think they want change but in reality they just want to see this "fantasy" on the catwalk and think they will look like that.