Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ethical fashion is an up and coming issue within the industry. Do we as designers have the responsibility to make these decisions and thus influence society and consumers? Is it necessary for us to fully practice the issues we are representing? or is it acceptable to raise awareness and leave the 'changing' to society as a larger force?
An ethical issue that I was interested in is the living and working conditions of workers, those who produce our garments. Is it ethical for us, as Australian desginers to ship our designs off to developing countries for cheap labour, and in saying that, are we exploiting the workers in these factories? Or, on the otehrhand, are we helping these developing countries by providing work and job opportunites for them?
Personally, I believe the issue is driven by money, so we, whether is be knowingly or unknowingly, send off for production in foreign countries because it is cheaper and our profit margin is larger. therefore workers work longer hours for less money and we still get the same result.

What does everything else think about this issue???
leave comments guys!
not you gossip girl.. aka jakecro

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