Thursday, September 4, 2008

sustainable fashion

How far do we need/have to take the term 'sustainable fashion'? i mean, are we, as fashion designers responsible for sustainable fashion alone, or a sustainable lifestyle??
Personally, Im not too sure of the 'correct' definition of sustainable, but I think it is the way in which clothes are produced (grown, construced, sold) that determins whether they are 'sustainable' or not. But we need a standardaised definition of what exactly sustainable fashion is so as to form a positive direction for the fashion industry to head in.
I think sustainable fashion is acknowledging how and where a garment/fabric is produced and by who (aka, were workers paid award wage? how damaging/draining to the environment was the production of fabric and garment etc)
To become sustainable, i think we as designers need to make conscious and educated decisions that are informed by our morals and values. I think if we design and do things because we think we are making and difference and because its what we want to do, we are doing oit for the right reasons. I think designers and people who jump on the 'trendy' bandwagon are selling out and perhaps not setting a good example for fellow designers, and arent fully dedicated to the cause.

I also think there needs to be more awareness and information about how the fashion industry is negatively contributing to the environment and global warming etc. Prior to this course/class, I didnt realise the fashion industry was/is having such an impact on the environment. I think people need to realise, consumers and whoever, that this is a serious issue, and we need to do something about it before its too late. But without the knowledge and awareness I dont think we have the necessary tools.

If other up and coming designers of our generation have the same mindset as us, so the future of the fashion industry can evolve and adapt to the environmental and social issues of the time.


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