Thursday, September 25, 2008

Copyrigns? ant you a copy cat?

when it comes to the issues of copyright and my future designs and a fashion designer. i must not lie even though i was agents copy right. i strongly think that if some on was to take one of my hard work designs i would be less than impressed about the situation.

how ever like i have said before copying is every were for instant. a fashion forecaster's job is find out what the new trends are and what us the public are wearing.

so for all those kid trying to be different and stand out by having there own style. along comes a forecaster and turns there individuality in to a brand new trend and take the credit of it. so ist'n copying just a never ending circle of riping each other off. so in the end a so called original design by a fashion designer is really getting the inspiration from a forecaster who in tern stole it of a kid trying to be an individual.

ant we all copycats??

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