Thursday, September 11, 2008

Intelligent fibres...

As much as i was on the affirmative side of intelligent fibres, i wonder is it really worth the efforts of scientists. In a way i feel if we can help regenerate cells from these fibres then it is worth it... but is playing god the way to go?!? over population is a problem as it is, and to help make people live longer by technology rather than just pure commonsense such as leading a healthy lifestyle we're aiding the overpopulation growth and at the same time hurting our environment. As people were saying before.... whats the point of living if we don't have an earth to live on?! Its kinda a waste... And don't we have enough technology as it is? though these advancements would be awesome for the fashion industry, we already make enough of an impact on the environment. Why do more? I am definately in 2 minds about smart fabrics.... but what i wonder is do the pro's outweigh the cons when it comes to their development?


steve said...

is it a choice? can we develope fibres that help people and the Earth at the same time?

Erica said...

One day evntually... but to do that we have to start some where and at the moment the technology hurts the environment... to develop these technologies we are doing things that are detrimental to the environment... and what if by the time we come up with the technology to do both it is already too late? its a really hard topic to pick a side on...