Thursday, September 25, 2008

Legislation on Counterfieting....

More than 100 organisations from countries such as United states, European Union, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand have signed the Anti- Counterfeiting Treaty Agreement. This provides a means for companies within these countries to keep the copyright on designs created under the umbrella of this treaty. However... Because other asian countries haven't signed the treaty and are refusing to counterfeiting is still a major problem. Hence why at markets such as Paddys are able to sell cheap versions of the original designs because they are mass produced in China and then sent to be sold around the world for a fraction of or the full amount, making money off of another designers creations. It really peeves me because when i'm a consumer wanting to buy an original or real version. I feel there has to be some way to force other countries to sign the treaty to prevent the market from abusing the lack of copyright laws.... just a thought....

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