Thursday, September 11, 2008

Smart Fibres and Fashion

The technology becoming available through the research into smart fabrics is very interesting... Like Steve said how cool would it be to grow your own human skin jacket?! The possible advancement and application of these fibres into the medical world is also a very interesting prospect and has the potential to be very beneficial yet in a world where we seem to have too much do we need more? Will these new fibres just lend themselves to the wasteful nature of fashion and the industry? Emma (Chilly) raised a fair point in her argument saying will this new technology just become trend based? Will it be in one season and out the next? I think inorder to have these fibres in "everyday fashion" we need to make them more sustainable. Somehow we have to extend their shelf life and longevity in the industry otherwise what is the point?

Applying these fabrics and fibres specifically to designing and garment production would be very interesting and potentially extend the range of clothing available. If there were fabrics that were "self-stiffening" and had the potential to turn this feature on and off the scope for design could be extended and changed. This could cause designers to think even more laterally when designing and have their impossibilites realised. Then where would it end? Would the scope for creativity and design just continue to grow and expand even further? Would this then influence trends and what people want to buy? If all that was available was "weird and wacky" designs would this then cause peoples ideas of what is "cool" and was isn't change? Would this change our perseption of "in" fashion? And how would this affect designers or fashion houses? Would the mission statements and aesthetics of these designers/houses be compromised? WHO HAS ANSWERS?! Steve...?

1 comment:

steve said...

Great question!!! will technology change perception? Can we draw parallells with the rise of idustrial technology in the late 18th century in Endland? A new fashion industry perhaps?!?!?!?