Thursday, September 25, 2008


Is something that is really hard to control, how do we pick the original? i wish we could be like the aboriginals and have an unwritten code. As they have such a strong meaning behind their work. ( or are they now starting to do it for money... from the western influences)
The prints on Hawaiian shirts have a special meaning to the traditional people there, but the shirts themselves also have a meaning to us/Australian culture as a happy holiday shirt or maybe tacky. It may not be a very deep meaning but nether the less these shirts have a meaning to us. So does this mean they belong to us also because we have given them meaning?
I think copyright is definitely a western phenomenon, as we are very greedy, materialistic and money driven, wanting something to belong to us and are so worried that others will come and take it and be better off than us. Now non-western cultures are catching on after seeing we can make money from exploiting these different prints etc.

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