Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sustainable Fashion

What does it mean to be sustainable?
I believe to be sustainable is to be aware of the footprint you are leaving on the planet.
Make conscious decisions that will have a positive impact.
Make your new jacket last more than one winter and buy material from op shops.
Take or give your unwanted clothes to somebody who will appreciate them.
Lastly, design clothes that have multiple lives!

How can you become sustainable?
I think it is important to appreciate the objects you have and not get bored of them, and therefore buy things you don't really need. Make you clothes last and when you are bored of something deconstruct it and construct it into a new garment.

How sustainable is too much to work in the market?
I think the concept of organic cotton may be to much to work in the market, it is a grey area and I don't think it's imapct is significant enough. I think there is more potential in the concept of cradle to cradle and garments that can be used multiple ways.

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