Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sustainable Fashion

Like all the other issues we have spoken about in Social and Cultural Studies there are so many different questions and issues to consider!! Sustainable fashion is no different...
I think that being sustainable suggests a longevity and I don't think this can be easily achieved. It would be a lengthy and complicated process. I think that to be truly sustainable with regards to being a designer you should do so at every level. From the materials you use to the energy you use to the treatment of your employees etc. The question then is, is this even possible?

When money is thrown into the equation it opens a whole other can of worms... If you are not profitable what's the point? I don't agree with the whole financial focus and that everything in the end is about money but unfortunately that's the way our world works (for the moment) and sustainable fashion doesn't seem to fit. Too expensive, too difficult to set-up, to difficult to sustain etc etc. So where do we begin?

It is fair to say that it is a collective responsiblity between designers and consumers to initiate change. However I don't think that anyone can simply palm off the problem to another. We are ALL apart of this thing we call "society" and therefore we all need to be held responsible. Equally we are all responsibly for ourselves. For our own actions, choices and decisions so it is up to us, ourselves, to make these conscious desicions as to wether or not we want to help save the world.

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