Wednesday, October 15, 2008

bad landing

i found this why doing some research made me giggle

Friday, September 26, 2008

steve i dont no your email. so this was the only way i could get it to you.

Research Project.

Environmentally sustainable materials and processes

The production process of wool, is it environmentally sustainable?

With in my research project I will be making a video on weather the wool industry is sustainablie suitable for the environment? Is the long process from the berth of a lam to a wool knit jumper necessary and is it infact that we are just damaging our land and environment by producing wool?

Or are we not putting enough support in to the wool industry as it is a biodegradable fiber it also has thermal properties it’s water resistant, static resistant, dirt resistant and even noise resistant. If wool has all these great qualities then why don’t we use it for other products than just clothing?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Copyright Laws

There are so many personal issues to consider with copyright laws and as an up and coming designer this affects me personally. There are o many questions and I don't have any answers!! I will blog further when I find some...


How much difference is enough difference for a design to be original?
If a design is innovative and unique with a lot of depth in the meaning behind the work, I think it deserves to be copyrighted. For it to be counterfeited and sold at 1/10th of the price, as the designer I would feel betrayed. I think its okay to look into the work and concept of other designs but take inspiration from it and make it your own.


Um, i wouldnt want ppl ripping off my designs, but its kinda hard to design, say, a dress for a specific pourpose (to look pretty for a cocktail party, flattering, not too out there, but still striking) and to have NO features of anyother cocktail dress in existance.

I think maybe its too late for copyright laws? As in all our culture is so mixed around.... and no one knows what is really whos, maybe if it had been carefully documented over time (way, way back) then everyone (as in countires, tribes, not individuals) would have a copyright over what was oringinally theres.
But i think its human nature to copy each other... So maybe (tho i would never like it) but if u want to be a designer or artist, once ur work it put out there its free for all....and expect others to copy that, maybe we are too posesive..?


Copyright i feel is important to some extent... As a designer in training naturally my designs are inspired by designers, cultures, political views, art work and a number of other things, before now i have not thought about the people who im inspired by and weather they would want me to be inspired by them. If someone wanted to copy or incorporate my designs i would actually want to be told, in away i feel to someextent it is flattering. On the other hand i do belive copyrighted fashion would make it extreemly difficult for me as a new designer and like designers before me i can try to turn styles of the past into styles of the future.

Have a great day Steve!

Legislation on Counterfieting....

More than 100 organisations from countries such as United states, European Union, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand have signed the Anti- Counterfeiting Treaty Agreement. This provides a means for companies within these countries to keep the copyright on designs created under the umbrella of this treaty. However... Because other asian countries haven't signed the treaty and are refusing to counterfeiting is still a major problem. Hence why at markets such as Paddys are able to sell cheap versions of the original designs because they are mass produced in China and then sent to be sold around the world for a fraction of or the full amount, making money off of another designers creations. It really peeves me because when i'm a consumer wanting to buy an original or real version. I feel there has to be some way to force other countries to sign the treaty to prevent the market from abusing the lack of copyright laws.... just a thought....