Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thinking for week 1-read me

Chic theory.

Is the search for style hard wired? Does human nature make us seek fashion?

Does our character change when we change our appearance?

Fashion vs. dress, do new styles come out of snobbishness?

Do we have an individual identity or is it a construct of fashion?

Is cool a social construct?

Do we use fashion to become an individual but in fact end up being the same?

What does fashion mean to humans?

Is Chic theory simplifying a complex idea of fashion and identity?

Is fashion based on feelings? What part does you r psychological or physical state play on how you dress?

How does you lifestyle play upon how you dress? e.g. religion, culture, gender, class and sexual proclivities?

Is fashion a purely western phenomenon?

Is it vain to aspire to be stylish?

Think about the above do they relate to studio? how can you use them to help you understand the question?

Class Discussion

My brain is going to explode Steve!! Informative discussion though, we all definitely had varying opinions on the questions posed...


i am a stupid smelly head
this is gay

thinking about thinking

this classes is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow incuding me :(

I just discoverd the 'title' box

hip hip horay
i = the best at bloggin. der

wat up class

i have a itchie foot

Friday = Fail

Apologies to Steve for our incompitence today...
Here's a quote from 'Chic to Chic' by Jennifer Craik on Joanne Finelstein's 'Chic theory', '...confining fashio and chic to the city in a curiously metropolis-centred approachwhich ignores fashionable and chic behaviour in a range of other locales and situations...' Is this true? Are people who live further from cities less fashionable?
Is this working?????
i am way better at blogs than steve... just quietly

Thinking about Thinking

Today it almost seemed impossible to get 14 people to set up a bog!